CCC's Campaign and Advocacy

The Cambodian Cross Sector Confederation (CCC) has conducted various campaigns and advocacy efforts to champion the rights and welfare of workers in Cambodia. Some of these initiatives include:

  • Advocacy for Better Working Conditions: CCC has been a vocal advocate for improved working conditions across various sectors, including garment manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and construction. The organization has called for the enforcement of labor laws and regulations to ensure that workers are provided with safe workplaces, fair wages, reasonable working hours, and access to essential benefits such as healthcare and social security.

  • Campaigns Against Labor Exploitation: CCC has raised awareness about labor exploitation and abuses faced by workers in Cambodia, including issues such as forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and gender-based discrimination. Through public campaigns, CCC has sought to mobilize support for policies and interventions aimed at combating these forms of exploitation and protecting vulnerable workers.

  • Promotion of Trade Union Rights: CCC has advocated for the protection and promotion of trade union rights in Cambodia, including the rights to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and peaceful assembly. The organization has pushed back against efforts to restrict or suppress the activities of trade unions and has called for the recognition of workers' rights to organize and represent their interests collectively.

  • Campaigns for Fair Wages and Benefits: CCC has campaigned for fair wages and benefits for workers in Cambodia, including initiatives to raise the minimum wage and improve compensation packages in key industries such as the garment sector. The organization has engaged in negotiations with employers and government authorities to secure better terms and conditions of employment for workers.

  • Advocacy for Social Protection Programs: CCC has advocated for the establishment and expansion of social protection programs to provide workers in Cambodia with access to essential services and benefits, including healthcare, education, housing, and unemployment insurance. The organization has called for the implementation of policies that promote social inclusion and address the needs of marginalized and vulnerable groups within the workforce.

Overall, CCC's campaigns and advocacy efforts have played a significant role in raising awareness about labor rights issues, mobilizing support for policy reforms, and empowering workers to assert their rights and demand better treatment in the workplace. Through its advocacy work, CCC continues to be a leading voice for workers' rights and social justice in Cambodia.


The Cambodian Cross Sector Confederation (CCC) has been at the forefront of campaigns and advocacy efforts aimed at improving the freedom of unions in Cambodia. Here's an overview of CCC's initiatives in this regard:

  • Legal Advocacy: CCC engages in legal advocacy to uphold and strengthen laws that protect the rights of workers to form and join trade unions. The organization monitors legislative developments related to labor rights and provides input to lawmakers to ensure that proposed laws and regulations are in line with international labor standards and guarantee workers' freedom of association.
  • Awareness Campaigns: CCC conducts awareness campaigns to educate workers about their rights to join trade unions and participate in collective bargaining. Through workshops, seminars, and informational materials, CCC empowers workers with knowledge about the importance of unions in advocating for their interests, negotiating better wages and working conditions, and addressing workplace grievances.
  • Capacity Building: CCC provides capacity building support to trade unions and their members to strengthen their organizational structures, leadership skills, and advocacy capabilities. Training programs cover a range of topics, including union organizing, negotiation techniques, conflict resolution, legal literacy, and strategic planning, equipping unions with the tools they need to effectively represent their members and advance their interests.
  • Coalition Building: CCC collaborates with other civil society organizations, labor rights groups, and international partners to build coalitions and alliances that amplify the voice of workers and advocate for policy changes to protect and promote union freedoms. By joining forces with like-minded organizations, CCC strengthens advocacy efforts and increases pressure on government and industry stakeholders to respect workers' rights.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: CCC monitors and documents cases of anti-union discrimination, harassment, and violence against union members and leaders. Through its reporting mechanisms, CCC raises awareness about violations of union freedoms and calls for accountability and justice for victims. By shining a spotlight on such abuses, CCC aims to deter future violations and promote a climate of respect for union rights.
  • Policy Advocacy: CCC engages in policy advocacy at the national and international levels to press for legal reforms and policy changes that protect and enhance the freedom of unions. The organization lobbies government officials, lawmakers, and international bodies to enact legislation and policies that guarantee workers' rights to organize, collectively bargain, and engage in peaceful union activities without fear of reprisal.

Through these concerted efforts, CCC strives to create an enabling environment where workers can exercise their right to freedom of association and form strong, independent unions that effectively represent their interests and contribute to a more just and equitable society in Cambodia.