About Us

1- Background of CCC

The Cambodian Cross Sector Confederation (CCC) represents workers across various sectors in 19 provinces, including mining, energy, garment, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing. It stands as a global advocate for improved working conditions and trade union rights in Cambodia.

CCC actively challenges the dominance of multinational corporations and engages in negotiations at local, national, and international levels. Its mission revolves around advocating for a more equitable model of globalization and fostering a socio-economic framework that prioritizes people, democracy, and social justice.

Established on October 23, 2023, CCC emerged from the consolidation of several former workers' union federations, namely FUFU, INTUFE, and CULL. The organization serves as a unified platform for diverse stakeholders, including workers, farmers, youth, and women, aiming to bolster unions and associations, conduct research, ensure quality assurance, and advocate for policy transparency and accountability.

Furthermore, CCC is dedicated to upholding human rights, democracy, and social justice principles. It seeks to influence decision-making processes to secure rights, freedoms, decent work, and an improved standard of living for its members and the wider community.


Our vision is to cultivate a society where farmers, entrepreneurs, and all laborers thrive under a robust social protection system, characterized by exemplary governance and an unwavering dedication to human rights and social justice.


In pursuit of the Cambodia Cross Sector Confederation vision, our primary missions are:

  • Organizing and Collective Action: Unite and mobilize workers, farmers, youth, and citizens to establish robust unions, associations, communities, and relevant institutions dedicated to safeguarding the rights and interests of all members.

  • Partnerships and Capacity Building: Collaborate with stakeholders and enhance the capacity of workers and citizens, fostering good governance and a balanced approach to addressing and resolving member issues.

  • Research and Documentation: Conduct comprehensive research and documentation across all sectors to bolster representation in multilateral dialogues. This ensures a conducive and sustainable environment for unions and associations to actively participate in shaping policy decisions in their respective fields.
  • High-Level Advocacy and Negotiation: Spearheaded joint high-level advocacy and negotiation campaigns. These campaigns aim to compel multinational employers and policymakers to uphold the fundamental rights of workers and citizens, with a specific emphasis on freedom of association and collective bargaining across all sectors
Our overarching goal is to collaboratively strengthen the influence of unions, associations, and youth networks. Through the mobilization of workers, both within and outside existing systems, alongside youth, farmers, and the general public, we aim to safeguard and expand the scope of professional collective bargaining. Additionally, we strive to foster a culture of heightened responsibility among corporations and government entities, ensuring a collective commitment to the well-being and rights of workers.
The Cambodia Cross Sector Confederation is founded on the following core values:
  • Neutrality:Operate without political affiliation, guided by the principles of independence and in alignment with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, upholding the political and civil rights of its members.
  • Freedom: Embrace the value of offering equal opportunities for suggestions and opinions, fostering diverse improvements for the benefit of all members.
  • Cooperation: Engage in collaboration with national and international institutions at all levels to advance and safeguard the interests of our members.
  • Integrity: Conduct our work with a sense of responsibility and accuracy, upholding the highest standards of integrity in all endeavors.